Warren Buffett  Success Story Point

In this success story post, we are going to share the Warren Buffett biography, an American Businessman who is the fourth richest man in the world. He is known as the CEO and dominant shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway. He has also taken the promise of the ‘The Giving Pledge.’ He owns several coal mines, renewal energy firm shares, merchandise, and consuming goods.

Warren Buffett Investing Career

Warren Buffett worked as an investment Salesman at Buffett Falk & Co from 1951-1954. He always wanted to work and learn from his idol, Benjamin Graham. In 1952, he discovered that Graham was on the Board of GEICO Insurance. He was ready to work for Graham for free, but Graham refused. But in 1954, he received a call from graham himself, and from 1954-1956, he worked as a securities analyst at Graham-Newman Corp.
In 1956, Graham retired and closed his partnership. Buffett in the same year, started his Buffett partnership limited. In 1957, Buffett operated three partnerships; he purchased a five-bedroom house in Omaha, where he still loves for $31500.
Using the techniques learned from Graham, Buffett was successful in identifying undervalued companies, and he became a millionaire. One such company Buffett valued was a textile company named Berkshire Hathaway. He began collecting stock in the early 1960s, and by 1965 he had assumed complete control of the company. Despite the success of the Buffett Partnership, he dissolved the firm in 1969 to focus on the development of Berkshire Hathaway.
Following Berkshire Hathaway’s major investment in Coca-Cola, Buffett became director of the company from 1989 until 2006. He was also a director of Citigroup Global Markets Holdings, The Gillette Company, and Graham Holdings Company.

Warren Buffett Philanthropic Success

He is a long term Philanthropist who has donated around $34 Billion since 2006; the year Warren Buffet pledged to give $37 in stock to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to be used for health and education purposes.
In 2011, ex-President Mr. Barack Obama presented him with Presidential Medal of Freedom. Warren Buffett continues to help and support his family’s foundations.